Magic Mike XXL
One reason we all feel unsatisfied is because we don’t know how to articulate what we want. Have you ever noticed what a relief it is when someone tells you exactly what they need? Better still, repeats back to you what you said you need? There’s a literal physical release in that moment. Ah, I am understood. I understand.
Maybe you don’t like the answer, but it’s clear.
Clarity is a beautiful thing. Sometimes it happens by accident. Sometimes you don’t know what would please you ‘til it happens. But either way, now you know. And if you know, you can express it. And there are few abilities more powerful than accurately communicating yourself in reality.
Magic Mike XXL emboldens two transformative notions. One, that you cannot experience purpose apart from authenticity. And two, that pleasure comes from acceptance. On these points, the narrative has zero confusion. As a result, the movie has a cleansing clarity effect that’s also intrinsically connected to joy. No exaggeration, this film is a revelation. And it’s that rare fantasy whose central characteristics you can actually use.
… to name a few: The necessity of defining your particular passion. Not pretending, even if it’s making you a success. What it looks like to approach every scenario without judgment or condescension. Valuing pleasure. Having fun. Guarding your worth with self-respect. Showing humility. Supporting one another’s dreams. Celebrating intentionally ‘cause it’s good for the soul.
Hard to believe that all of these conclusions came from a film about male strippers on their last ride. But it’s true. In the most unlikely of places.